Contact Kerry

Ikigai? What is Ikigai?

Ikigai (pronounced Ick-ee-guy), is the Japanese principle of happiness in what you do.

It originates from Okinawa, Japan, where people have been found to live the healthiest life, and for the longest amount of time, out of all countries on Earth.

So, how do you find your Ikigai?

Your Ikigai isn't a physical object, it's the career that will make you happy as well as being financially viable.

How does it work?

How will we help guide you towards your Ikigai?

Firstly, You'll receive a deck of cards, split into three sections: "You love it", "You're good at it", "Reality Check". These are yours to keep.

Before each of the sessions, you'll fill out the relevant cards with our guidance. You'll then work through them with me to help work out what direction you should be going to find your dream career, or Ikigai.

You Love It

Firstly, we look at what you love doing, what interests you, and answering the "if-you-could-do-anything, what-would-you-do" question. What's your dream job?

You're Good At It

What are you good at? What do you have the skills for? Can you train or learn to acquire these skills?

Reality Check

Now we know what you love to do, and what career skills you have or can acquire, we will look at what is realistic…

Can you earn enough money to support yourself and your family? Is there a need and a gap in the market you can fill?

Most importantly, what are your next steps, and what is the first step in order to start the adventure to reaching your Ikigai?

This isn't a career quiz that spits out a random job, based on vague questions on a sliding scale with no meaning.

This is to guide you towards a career you'll love, that can provide you with the security you need.

If you want to discuss your search, for your Ikigai, contact me and we can start your adventure to career happiness.

Are you searching for career advice or career coaching?

Was it you that searched “Best career ever”?

I was doing some keyword research based around career coaching for my digital marketing apprenticeship, when I saw the search result “Best career ever”.

It gave me the idea to write this blog and to question; what is the ‘best career ever’?

Well, for you it might be one of those, but everyone’s dream career is specific to them. Regardless of what you think you should be doing, it’s down to you to make that choice.

What is it that makes you happy? What's your 'offer', your skills, your approach? What's the key to waking up every morning and being happy with the working day ahead? Career happiness is key. If you love your work, you’ll never work a day.

For some, it’s career mentoring, guiding people towards their ultimate career happiness. For others, it’s serving coffees or driving a train that gives them satisfaction.

If you can find the 'thing' that you love to do, the 'thing' you have the skills for, and the 'thing' that will earn you the money you need to live (after all, we all have bills to pay!), you will have found your Ikigai (pronounced Ick-ee-guy).

Ikigai book

Ikigai is the Japanese concept of happiness in life. There’s more info to follow on Ikigai soon….

Shhh, don’t tell anyone, but we can help you find your Ikigai….

Wait, what am I saying, tell everyone you know! We believe that everyone deserves to love their career; that’s why we created Akeno Adventure.

Whatever your current situation, have a great day, and please feel free to get in touch to find out more, especially if you'd like to wake up every day excited about your working day ahead.

You never know, you might end up with the best career ever!


P.S. More Ikigai information is now available. Check out our Ikigai blog or book a free Discovery Session to discuss finding your Ikigai.

We all spend a significant amount of time at work, wherever that may be. For some lucky enough to be doing something they love it can be something they look forward to every day. However, for many people, their work is one of the biggest causes of stress.

Workplace stress can affect our entire lives if we let it take hold.

How many times have you been trying to enjoy your Sunday when all you can do is think about, and dread, the fact that Monday marches ever closer and brings with it another week of work.

How many times after that cliché ‘bad day at work’ have you snapped at your wife/husband?

For these reasons as well as that we believe everyone deserves to be happy at work; it is important to know the signs of workplace stress, and how to combat them, working to become resilient to them.

You can’t become immune to stress at work, but you can learn how to deal with it and how to bounce back quicker.

What are the symptoms of workplace stress?

Before you can tackle workplace stress, it is useful to identify what it looks like to be suffering from it.

The signs are generally broken down into three categories of how it will manifest itself: How you might be feeling, how you might behave and physical signs of stress.

How you might feel:

How you might behave:

Physical signs:

Causes of work stress

There are lots of factors that can contribute to your stress, however, it doesn’t have to be one big thing causing it. It could also be a build-up of lots of little factors, this can make it difficult to identify what it is that is causing it or, to explain it to other people.

Here are some possible causes of stress:

How can workplace stress be reduced?

Dealing with workplace stress

There are various steps you can take to cope with being under pressure. They're just ideas and may not work for everyone. Only try what you feel comfortable with.


Book a free Discovery Session to start your adventure to stress free work.

Before we talk about overcoming Imposter Syndrome, let's first address what it actually is. Do any of these statements resonate?

If so, you could be experiencing imposter syndrome. Don’t worry though, you're not broken, you're not strange, and you're definitely not in the minority. According to a report by Access Commercial Finance, 62% of people at work are affected by imposter syndrome. The survey of over 3000 adults in the UK shows over two-thirds of women (66%) have suffered from imposter syndrome, compared to over half of men (56%) within the last 12 months. Other studies suggest the figure could be more like 70%.

'Imposter' Types

Imposter syndrome presents itself in many different ways. Here are some examples:

So, the big question is how to overcome imposter syndrome.

I'll let you into a secret….

….there's no magic trick….

….there's no quick win….

….but there are some techniques and tips you can practice.

And how do I know these work?

Because I experience imposter syndrome (note the present tense, not the past tense!), and when I hear those voices of self-doubt, I use these exact techniques to silence the voices.

It works, trust me!

Before I launch into the tips though, let me start with this:

"The only way to stop feeling like an impostor is to stop thinking like an impostor."

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome 

  1. Know the signs

It's easy to overlook the signs in our day-to-day lives. A good first step is to recognise the signs. Pay attention to the language you use when you talk about other people and also yourself.

2. Know you're not alone

Some of the most successful people in the world have experienced imposter syndrome at some point in their careers. Here's a very famous example:

"I have written eleven books, but each time I think, 'uh oh, they’re going to find out now. I’ve run a game on everybody, and they’re going to find me out.'"

- Author, Poet & Civil Rights Activist Maya Angelou

And a great quotation on how to deal with it:

"The beauty of the impostor syndrome is you vacillate between extreme egomania and a complete feeling of: ‘I’m a fraud! Oh God, they’re on to me! I’m a fraud!’ So you just try to ride the egomania when it comes and enjoy it, and then slide through the idea of fraud.”

Actress, Writer & Producer Tina Fey, from her book 'Bossypants'

3. Let go of your inner perfectionist

The key here is to strive for excellence when it matters most, but don't over-engineer or overdo routine tasks. Often, when you feel like a fraud, it's not because you’re comparing yourself to something (or someone!), tangible; you're comparing yourself to an impossible and unrealistic 'perfect' outcome you've defined for yourself, that you'd never define for someone else.

4. Accept you’ll make mistakes and even fail

Develop a healthy response to failure and making mistakes. Henry Ford once said, “Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.” Embrace mistakes as a learning experience and consider what you might do differently next time.

5. Visualize success

Do what professional athletes do and spend time picturing yourself making a successful presentation, or calmly posing your question in a meeting. If you picture positivity, it comes more naturally, rather than focusing on impending doom!

6. Break the silence - it’s good to talk! 

It's true what they say, it's good to talk, especially when you're struggling. People can feel shame from expressing their fears and showing their vulnerabilities, but they shouldn’t. Sharing your thoughts and experiences will make you better equipped to deal with your imposter syndrome.

Family and friends are great, but for something like imposter syndrome, their natural need to care for you emotionally can end up unintentionally fuelling your fear. Instead, it’s ideal to talk with someone who can be more impartial.

You may choose to talk to your Manager or a work colleague. Some may find this uncomfortable as they are fearful of being so open and honest about something they see as a flaw. It can very much depend on the relationship you have with your manager or colleagues.

This is where a Mentor can be the ideal source. A Mentor can help you to talk more candidly about your struggles in a safe, confidential environment, without judgement. The best Mentor will share the struggles and mistakes they've made in their own careers, and you will find they have helpful stories and advice about how to overcome the specific feelings you are having. As well as supporting you to manage your imposter syndrome, a good Mentor will also equip you with techniques for communicating with your Manager in a positive and productive way.

7. Embrace the feeling, and use it

It's really hard to get rid of imposter syndrome completely, especially if you've experienced it for a long time. You need to learn new habits that, after a while, will become second nature. You may never get rid of it completely; the trick is to not let it stop you from hindering your success.

8. Reward yourself

Break the cycle of continually seeking, but then dismissing, validation by learning to pat yourself on the back. When you get a compliment, accept it graciously. When you have a positive meeting, smile and be energised for the rest of the day.

9. Separate feelings from fact

There are times you’ll feel inferior. It happens to everyone at some point. Understand that just because you feel inferior, it doesn’t mean you are. Look at a situation factually and objectively, not emotionally.

These are just a few of the techniques that I use myself and encourage my clients to use. To find out more, or discuss any of these further, please feel free to get in touch. I offer a free discovery session for this exact purpose:

And as an additional offer, get in touch using the same link above if you would like a free worksheet on overcoming imposter syndrome, called "Adventure to Awesomeness".

And before I go, here's some trivia for you about the spelling of the word imposter; or should that be impostor?!

Did you know that both spellings of imposter/impostor are correct and used interchangeably between the UK and the USA (where there are often differences in the spelling of words; colour/color, tyre/tire etc). I came across this interesting article that explains it further;    

I'm a fan of "imposter" (not sure why!).

Good luck with the tips and let me know how you get on!

Book a free Discovery Session to chat to Kerry about overcoming your imposter syndrome.

What is "discovery"?

According to the dictionary, "discovery" is the process of finding information, a place, or an object, especially for the first time.

So, what is an Akeno Adventure Discovery Session?

Rather than tell you what it is in theory, let me tell you a story of how it worked out for Moira…

Moira is a brilliant mum, a great partner and a fantastic friend. She is kind, selfless and considerate.

All great stuff, right?


Except there's one area that Moira was struggling with. Finding "Moira". Working out what her professional identity was, and how to succeed at building her own "dream career" whilst balancing all other aspects of life.

She followed the Akeno Adventure social media posts for a while, before "finally getting around to" (her words, not mine!), booking a free discovery session.

See Moira's discovery session testimonial

Moira was at a crossroads. She wanted to forge a career for herself now her children are getting older and more independent but didn’t know where to start. The whole idea of transforming her career scared her, and all she could consider is why it wouldn’t work. As well as a 'day job', she is also a photographer, and has recently started her own business doing photography sessions. She wasn't sure what to do with that either. Photography is her escape, so she knew she didn't want it to be her only work, but equally, how would she balance work, her business, and a family?

We talked about where she was at that point in time, where she wanted to be, and what the first steps might be to making that transition.

We talked through her fears, and I shared some practical insights and techniques to overcome them.

I could see her body language physically change as the call progressed. Fear turned into energy, and by the end of the session, she was excited about the next steps.

And that was it. Discovery session, done.

Just a chat, and a sharing of advice and encouragement. Not a gimmick in sight!

It wasn't a sales pitch either, although of course, if someone asks about ongoing support packages, I do provide them, but in Moira's case, she had what she needed to start her own adventure.

A few months later, she popped me a note to say she had a job interview for her "dream job", but she was nervous. I replied with some tips and things to think about, and off she went into the interview.



Her "dream job"! The one she never thought she'd get!

And she's developing her photography business further using the advice from our session. It's definitely a double win for Moira!

When I reached out to ask Moira about doing this blog, I asked her how I helped, and what difference our session made.

Here's what she said:

"Our conversation most definitely helped me and gave me the confidence I needed to believe my own answers and goals."

"You have an amazing way to make things seem calmer and more achievable, especially compared to what was going on in my head!"

So, a discovery session isn't scary.

It's not a magic fix either.

And it's definitely not one-size-fits-all.

For some, it's the first and only step they need to get them started on their own adventure.

For others, it's the start of our adventure together. They want or need the support, the challenge and the confidential space to develop and accelerate their plans.

So, can I guarantee that a discovery session will change your life?

Nope! And I'd never promise that as everyone's situation and journeys are different.

But, it did change Moira's life.

So, what are you waiting for? Book a discovery session

Spaces are limited though, so don't hang around; get booked in and start your first step on your career adventure.

To follow Moira's photography work, follow her on Instagram:

How do you usually spend your lunchtimes?

Do you sit down for a rest, perhaps catch up with a bit of daytime TV?

Or perhaps you pop out for a sandwich?

Maybe you’re able to get out for a quick walk to get some fresh air?

All perfectly good ways to spend a lunchtime, and I’m often found doing just this.

However, every now and then, I spend 30 minutes of my lunchtime, volunteering as a mentor to young people, supporting them on their career transformation dreams, on behalf of The Youth Group.

The Youth Group, led by the formidably brilliant Jack Parsons, has a mentor programme that connects business people, with young people who wish to develop their career confidences, skills and dreams, and I am honoured to be part of it.

The young man I mentored most recently, already has a brilliant foundation of career experience, but he is hoping to transform and expand into a new area. He asked me questions about my own business, and we explored insights and ideas on how he could embark on his own career adventure.

Another person I mentored is at the early stage in her career. She has a job, but it’s not her career of choice, and she was struggling to find opportunities in her chosen field. I advised her on how to build her network, and the power of asking exploratory questions, rather than just chasing jobs. She left our session with a plan of action and a new sense of motivation. We’ve stayed in touch, and she’s enjoying her new confidences. She’s building a network of great contacts, and I’m sure it won’t be long until she finds an opportunity that is perfect for her.

As well as being useful for the mentee, a voluntary mentoring programme like this is also a great way for the mentor to give back to a worthy cause, and I feel energised and proud to have been able to offer my support.

To find out more, contact The Youth Group direct, or let me know, and I'd be happy to connect you to my contact.


Let me start with some background on my mum, Sue. She’s always been a great mum, but she has definitely always put her role of ‘mum’ and ‘wife’ first. Any career aspirations she may have had, were firmly kept on the back burner. When I was still a baby she started a part time job in Presto, which later became Safeway, then Morrison’s. For nearly 30 years, she was a dedicated, but frustrated, and definitely not-very-happy, employee. She made some firm friends there over the years, which was the silver lining, but despite giving her all to each role she undertook, she was never fulfilled.

Fast forward to 2011 and she has now added two dogs to the family; a Lhasa Apso called Lacie, and a Shih Tzu called Alfie. She taught herself grooming techniques to maintain their fluffy coats. Not only did she enjoy it, but she realised she was actually pretty good too! Friends and neighbours started to ask her to groom their dogs.

And so an idea was formed…what if this could be a new career?

However, the negative ‘what-ifs’ started…

I answered all of her ‘what ifs’, and gently encouraged her to pursue her dream. We talked through each concern and each challenge until she could see and understand the solution. I gave her advice and designed some simple tools and techniques to help her manage her business, on a day-to-day basis. 

In January 2012 she attended a formal training course and purchased her equipment (a big deal for her as she would never buy herself anything! In fact, even attending the course was a big deal as it was a residential course that necessitated her to navigate trains and taxis on her own, and stay away from home; something she'd never done alone before). Her company was formed, and she started to take on her first waggy-tailed clients. She was an instant hit with both the dogs and their owners. 4 months later, she had built her business up so well, she was ready to hand in her notice at Morrison’s. 1 week later she was now fully self-employed.

Nearly 9 years on, the business is still thriving and for many years, she’s had to literally turn customers away because she simply can’t fit them all in. The best bit though, is her happiness. She genuinely enjoys what she does, and economically, she’s far better off than she would ever have been had she stayed in her ‘normal’ job. She’s working smarter than ever.

I’m an incredibly proud daughter. My mum is still the best mum and wife, but she is now also a pretty fantastic businesswoman too. She has her own identity.

She says her only regret is that she didn’t do it 20 years earlier, but as I say to her, “the most important thing is, you did it”. She took the first step on what was an incredibly scary journey, but with my guidance, and with support from her new dog grooming colleagues she met on the course, she did it, and continues to make it a success.

So, be more like Sue - an old dog that learned new tricks (her words, not mine!) - and take the first step on your own career adventure and book a free Discovery Session.

But what is the Akeno Adventure? 

Before I get into that, let me tell you a brief story…

Early in 2019, an idea started to brew… 

I was working on a fantastic project with an automotive client, when I received some feedback.

“You’re really good at this!”

I was pleased to receive such a wonderful comment, but it was the conversation that followed that really got me thinking.

My client highlighted that I’d been offering guidance, support and advice far beyond the remit for which I’d been hired. I’d stepped into the roles of coach, guide, mentor, and champion…we struggled to find the right description because I’d been all of these things and more.

Around the same time, I saw a post about a course being delivered at the end of the year. The course was to learn valuable coaching skills and to become an accredited Associate of John Niland’s Self-Worth Academy. I signed up! 

6 months later, I had successfully completed the course and could now officially call myself a Coach! I was really pleased with my achievement, but the question was, what next?

2019 finished with the onboarding of a new Global client. The project was in full flight by the new year and before we knew it, the COVID pandemic had started to impact. The ideas that had started to brew a year before had to take a back seat. My focus was to support and guide my client and their project through a challenge that no one could have foreseen; global lockdowns, furlough schemes, businesses closed and impending economic disaster, all underpinned by the fear of a deadly virus.

The uncertainty continued as 2020 progressed. All around me, I was observing work-related changes. Some were through choice and some were enforced, as businesses had to make difficult decisions about their future.

It struck me that life is an adventure. Adventures can be scary, but with the right guide and support, they can also be exciting and fruitful.

And so, Akeno Adventure was born!

I decided my focus was going to be on career confidence and satisfaction, and on career development and transition, with a specific goal of being - quite simply - happy. I have a proven history of guiding, supporting and mentoring clients, often during stressful and high-pressured projects, and now I can add formal coaching to my skillset.

The approach was shaped, the collateral created, and I’ve been ploughing through my ever-growing to-do list ever since; logos, websites, collecting testimonials, and more. I’ve even been working with clients on their personalised adventures. It’s certainly been a busy few months!

And now it’s here! 

The Akeno Adventure will continue alongside my ongoing Akeno work (, because I’ve realised, after embarking on my own adventure, that my own career satisfaction and happiness comes from working on a spectrum of activities.

I’ve been asked what I am. A Coach, a Mentor, a Guide, a Champion? I’ve been called all of these things, and even ‘Career Angel’! Ultimately, you can call me what you like, it’s the Client's outcomes I’m focused on.

So what are you waiting for…let’s start the adventure…. Book a free Discovery Session to start your adventure.

adventure mug akeno adventure career happiness coaching

My career has been full of training courses, consultancy sessions and workshops. However, for a long time, I have been the one stood at the front of the room, conducting the session. Last month, the tables were turned, and for the first time in a VERY long time, I was part of the audience.

So, how did I get on? Was I the model student? Did I do my homework? And MOST importantly, did I pass?!

I promised to tell you all about the course, so here goes….

The course I attended was the 'Self Worth Associate Training Program’, a Coach training program, firmly rooted in unconditional self-worth, rather than in conditional self-esteem. The week long residential was held in the very beautiful São Luís in Portugal.

My reason for signing up for the course was to develop practical coaching and mentoring skills that I could use to support other business professionals in their career journeys. I am fortunate to work in an industry I love, and I have a brilliant network of colleagues and clients. However, business life isn’t always easy. Sometimes you can have a really bad day. You may feel unappreciated, over whelmed, over worked, or even unloved. So, how do you prevent feelings like this? How do you avoid these bad days? How do you ensure you only have productive, happy, content days?

I'll let you into a secret.….you can't....

Self-esteem can take a battering at any time as a result of anything. It may seem like the smallest thing when you say it out loud, but it doesn’t matter, the impact is the same. It can destroy us. The trick is to value yourself enough to pick yourself up and remember that tomorrow is another day. The trick is to have self-worth.

Self-worth underpins everything we do; our relationship with work colleagues, clients, friends and family; even the relationship with our Partner. It can impact our productivity at work; our ability to complete tasks efficiently and effectively, and our ability to deliver to our maximum. So, a lesson I’ll be teaching to my own clients as part of my coaching and mentoring is this: “On your hardest day, during the most challenging times, remember your value, appreciate yourself, and channel your self-worth.”

In the spirit of sharing great practice, here are some key shifts I have learned and will be practicing myself, as well as teaching to my coaching and mentoring clients:

  1. Assessing to asserting - Stop self-assessing. Instead, assert yourself to take action.
  2. Self-reproach to self-acceptance - Accepting bad decisions you’ve made and moving on. Embrace the opportunities that bad decisions bring you, such as lessons learned for the future. 
  3. Self-evaluation to usefulness - This is about the power of curiosity; stop the self-evaluation and look towards how you’re useful and what you’re good at. Young or new Managers in particular often struggle with imposter syndrome. They don’t think they have the skills and experience to be there. It’s important to be curious about yourself and your usefulness to others. 
  4. “Proving self” to “valuing self” - Some people can operate in a constant “self-aware” mode. They start every sentence with an example of why they’re so great. This is not only annoying for those around us, but also unnecessary. It doesn’t show that you value yourself as you’re constantly trying to prove your worth. Women in male dominated industries in particular can suffer from this, as they often feel the need to prove themselves.
  5. “Being interesting” to “being interested in” - It’s important to be interested in other people, rather than just being an interesting person all the time. 

After an intensive week of learning and practicing my new skills, I’m pleased and proud to report I did indeed pass the course, and as such I am now a Certified Self Worth Academy Associate, qualified to practice coaching and mentoring. Here I am with a few of my fellow Associates celebrating our success!

My coaching and mentoring focus will be to empower professional people to blossom and be truly happy with their role in business. My approach will be one of self-worth; focusing on strengths rather than worrying about weaknesses. The key benefits my clients will experience from this approach are:

  1. Being happier in business, thus being happier in life. 
  2. Greater fulfilment in the day to day. 
  3. The ability to increase earnings thanks to positive career developments and choices. 

Passing the course has been a great end to 2019. I’ll be using the Christmas break to review my course notes and develop some new business ideas for 2020, including my coaching and mentoring services. However, after a busy and enjoyable 2019, I’ll also be savouring some much needed downtime. I don’t want to burn out before the new innovations have even started!

Team Akeno wishes our clients, colleagues, friends and supporters a wonderful Christmas and a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year. And don’t forget, on your hardest day, during the most challenging times, remember your value, appreciate yourself and channel your self-worth. 

Contact me to start your learning journey.

I'm pleased to publish a guest post from Steve Bellew, Director of emva Ltd, who talks about his adventure into a new phase of his career. He discusses the importance of support during times of change, and the power of others recognising your strengths; even when you can’t see them yourself! 

His blog starts with a key career milestone….

"At the start of this year, I realised that I was entering the 25th year of my professional life. There’s nothing like a quarter century milestone to make you feel that little bit older and weary! 

That milestone got me thinking about the 25 years since I left college and I accepted my first pay packet (it was literally a small envelope containing £102 for a week’s work). As I was thinking, I realised that in nearly all cases, whatever I have achieved in that time would not have been possible without the help and guidance of other people. I’ve had some great (and not so great) bosses, team-mates, supporters and influences. But when I think really hard about it, the two most critical interventions in my career have come from coaches and mentors. One of these interventions happened when I was 17 and one took place late last year and into this one. 

As a boy, from as young as I can remember, all I wanted to be was a professional cricketer. I played every spare hour of every day; on grass, concrete, in hallways, on driveways – basically, anywhere I could imagine a cricket pitch. I played my first game of adult cricket at ten and by fourteen I was playing in Northamptonshire’s junior teams. But whilst I was definitely a promising young player, my dream of playing professionally seemed miles away.

One day I met a Coach / Manager at Middlesex County Cricket Club who was a former England player, and who went on to have a very successful career as an International Umpire. This man had no idea who I was, but when he saw me play he offered to do anything he could to help me develop. He invested a massive amount of time in me, helping me understand proper technique, preparing me mentally for what life as a cricketer would actually be like, and training me for hours and hours without ever taking a penny. He re-assured my parents that I would make it and went out on a limb to put his reputation on the line by recommending me for trials.

Following one such recommendation, I went for a trial and was immediately signed as a professional after the game. The following week, I picked up that first pay packet of £102. This gentleman gained nothing financially from helping me realise my dream, but he did it because he saw something in me that I didn’t know I had, and he was desperate to get it out of me. He believed in me so that I believed in myself. He was my first true coach. 

24 years later I’d reached a pivotal moment in my post cricket career (I had to give up and get a proper job at 22 after a particularly bad leg injury). After many years of working in big corporate organisations such as Tesco, Argos and Volkswagen Group, I had a burning desire to start my own business and enter the world of interim management. It was at this point that I went through the second coaching intervention that has changed my working life. 

I met Kerry Thompson in 2017 when we worked together on a project at Volkswagen Group. She was a contractor, a very good one, and we quickly hit it off as friends and like-minded thinkers. I was always inspired by Kerry’s bright outlook on working life, but also intrigued by the balance and reward she took from running her own company. 

We kept in touch and when I was thinking about making the move, I asked Kerry for help. Kerry immediately said yes and then proceeded to blow me away with the help and advice she gave me. I believe that the mark of a truly effective coach is knowing what sort of treatment and techniques motivates individuals to fulfil their potential. As we went on our journey together, there were times when Kerry saw I needed a confidence boost and re-enforced all the things she could see I was good at. There were also times that Kerry identified that I was putting unnecessary barriers in place, and that I needed the proverbial kick up the backside (and gave it to me!).

adventure3 Medium Image

Kerry also recognised that sometimes, following the traditional coaching path of helping someone find the answers to life’s mysteries themselves, isn’t always the right way; more pragmatic intervention and support is needed. There were times when she literally stopped me in my tracks and showed me how to do things; things that I thought were complex but in fact weren’t. Her openness and trust made me feel comfortable and allowed me to get to the right answers in my own way – but she also gave me the answers when I struggled. She is a great example of a coach and a mentor. 

We started this coaching / mentoring relationship about 12 months ago and I’m pleased to say that say this week, I launched my own interim management business. I’ve not so much taken a leap of faith, as put together and then executed a plan that I would not have been able to do without Kerry’s help and guidance. I will be eternally grateful to her but being honest, I think she has got as much out of watching me develop as I have done from her coaching and mentoring. 

You might be reading this thinking that you’d like to make a similar change in your career. It may be that you want to take the next step in the career path you’ve already chosen. But if you feel that you can’t quite get there on your own, and you need your very own coaching ‘intervention’, then I can’t think of a better person to have by your side helping you, than Kerry. She has been a fantastic support during this adventure, and continues to be, as I move into this exciting phase of my career.”

To find out more about Steve, take a look at his website:, and if you’d like to join the Akeno Adventure in order to develop your own career, contact me anytime to arrange a free, no-obligation chat. 

Remember, every adventure starts with the first step…. Book a free Discovery Session to take that step...

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