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The Power of Discovery

Kerry Thompson
SHE GOT THE JOB! Her "dream job"! The one she never thought she'd get!

What is "discovery"?

According to the dictionary, "discovery" is the process of finding information, a place, or an object, especially for the first time.

So, what is an Akeno Adventure Discovery Session?

Rather than tell you what it is in theory, let me tell you a story of how it worked out for Moira…

Moira is a brilliant mum, a great partner and a fantastic friend. She is kind, selfless and considerate.

All great stuff, right?


Except there's one area that Moira was struggling with. Finding "Moira". Working out what her professional identity was, and how to succeed at building her own "dream career" whilst balancing all other aspects of life.

She followed the Akeno Adventure social media posts for a while, before "finally getting around to" (her words, not mine!), booking a free discovery session.

See Moira's discovery session testimonial

Moira was at a crossroads. She wanted to forge a career for herself now her children are getting older and more independent but didn’t know where to start. The whole idea of transforming her career scared her, and all she could consider is why it wouldn’t work. As well as a 'day job', she is also a photographer, and has recently started her own business doing photography sessions. She wasn't sure what to do with that either. Photography is her escape, so she knew she didn't want it to be her only work, but equally, how would she balance work, her business, and a family?

We talked about where she was at that point in time, where she wanted to be, and what the first steps might be to making that transition.

We talked through her fears, and I shared some practical insights and techniques to overcome them.

I could see her body language physically change as the call progressed. Fear turned into energy, and by the end of the session, she was excited about the next steps.

And that was it. Discovery session, done.

Just a chat, and a sharing of advice and encouragement. Not a gimmick in sight!

It wasn't a sales pitch either, although of course, if someone asks about ongoing support packages, I do provide them, but in Moira's case, she had what she needed to start her own adventure.

A few months later, she popped me a note to say she had a job interview for her "dream job", but she was nervous. I replied with some tips and things to think about, and off she went into the interview.



Her "dream job"! The one she never thought she'd get!

And she's developing her photography business further using the advice from our session. It's definitely a double win for Moira!

When I reached out to ask Moira about doing this blog, I asked her how I helped, and what difference our session made.

Here's what she said:

"Our conversation most definitely helped me and gave me the confidence I needed to believe my own answers and goals."

"You have an amazing way to make things seem calmer and more achievable, especially compared to what was going on in my head!"

So, a discovery session isn't scary.

It's not a magic fix either.

And it's definitely not one-size-fits-all.

For some, it's the first and only step they need to get them started on their own adventure.

For others, it's the start of our adventure together. They want or need the support, the challenge and the confidential space to develop and accelerate their plans.

So, can I guarantee that a discovery session will change your life?

Nope! And I'd never promise that as everyone's situation and journeys are different.

But, it did change Moira's life.

So, what are you waiting for? Book a discovery session

Spaces are limited though, so don't hang around; get booked in and start your first step on your career adventure.

To follow Moira's photography work, follow her on Instagram:

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